
æLabs Announces Release of brand new æternity Blockchain Explorer: æScan

æScan, the definitive æternity blockchain explorer, is now deployed and ready for use by all.

æLabs Announces Release of brand new æternity Blockchain Explorer: æScan
æLabs Announces Release of brand new æternity Blockchain Explorer: æScan
Source image - aeternity

æLabs, a group of contributors to the æternity blockchain, an open-source smart contract platform that combines the best of PoW and PoS to enhance security and scalability, announces the release of the next- generation blockchain explorer for the æternity blockchain: æScan.

This latest addition to the æternity ecosystem provides a brand new way to interact with the æternity blockchain. Completely built from the ground up by a new team of contributors who joined forces to create a user-friendly, accessible platform that provides a wealth of information about the inner workings of the æternity blockchain, with æScan as the final result.

æScan provides real-time information about transactions, accounts, the AENS .chain names, smart contracts, and tokens, thus allowing users to gain insight into the token price, market statistics, and the latest æternity blockchain metrics. An overview of recently activated .chain names, .chain name status, and ongoing .chain name auctions is available.

The platform has been built with the future in mind and will soon see additional important features added, including the ability to explore oracles, state channels, as well as non-fungible tokens. As a result, a Tokenization of æScan will follow very soon.

æScan's user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy for new users to get started and explore the æternity blockchain. All æternity blockchain-powered projects are built with the idea of making blockchain technology accessible and usable for everyone and feedback on all aspects of the explorer is strongly encouraged.

æScan is now available for use via aescan.io, and æLabs is excited to see how it will enhance the æternity blockchain experience for users worldwide.

To learn more about æternity, visit aeternity.com and follow them on Twitter @aeternity.

For media inquiries, please contact Phil LeRoy at (310) 260-7901 or phil(at)melrosepr(dot)com        

About æternity

æternity is an open-sourced smart contract platform that enhances security and scalability. As a Layer 1+ blockchain, æternity provides a strong foundation for developers to build on without the transaction processing and scaling limitations that plague most blockchain networks.

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