
Bitcoin 2023 Miami: Ordinals and Politicians Bring The Heat to Marquee Bitcoin Conference

A recap of what went down at the flagship Bitcoin Miami 2023 conference

Bitcoin 2023 Miami: Ordinals and Politicians Bring The Heat to Marquee Bitcoin Conference
Bitcoin 2023 Miami: Ordinals and Politicians Bring The Heat to Marquee Bitcoin Conference

It's May in balmy Miami, and that means Bitcoin 2023 is in town (well and those NBA playoffs as well!). The world's largest Bitcoin conference hosted its 2023 edition at the Miami Beach Convention Center for a final time last week. After 3 years in Florida, it’s moving to Nashville in 2024. The conference welcomed the Bitcoin faithful from May 18 to 20, in the latest bid to dispel the Bitcoin winter gloom for good.

The next presidential hopeful, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., , was among the notable speakers at the event this year. Best-selling author Michael Lewis of The Big Short, Moneyball and The Blind Side was also present. U.S. Representative Patrick McHenry and presidential candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Tulsi Gabbard also attended the event.

Bitcoin heavyweights in attendance included Michael Saylor, Adam Back, Samson Mow, Jack Mallers, Caitlin Long, Robert Breedlove, Dan Held, and recent convert David Marcus, who graced the Nakamoto and mining stages to dissect Bitcoin’s biggest pain points and rally the masses.


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