
Chirp teams up with Staex and joins NEXA Consortium to Lead Web3 Innovations in Germany

Chirp teams up with Staex and joins NEXA Consortium to Lead Web3 Innovations in Germany
Chirp teams up with Staex and joins NEXA Consortium to Lead Web3 Innovations in Germany

We are excited to announce our collaboration with Staex, a zero-trust network for IoT devices, and our membership in NEXA, a German consortium of leading Web3, telecom and other innovative industry companies.

The NEXA consortium includes industry partners, startups, and non-profit organizations. Together, we aim to enhance the practical applications of blockchain technology through collaborations across various sectors and industries. This partnership is poised to transform complex industry automation and management by enabling asset sharing, data collection, permit and contract management, and machine payments.

NEXA Consortium

The NEXA consortium, founded by Staex, features prominent companies such as Vantage Towers, which operates over 84,000 telecom towers across Europe, REWE Group’s paymenttools, managing over 50,000 payment terminals across Europe, Lisk, an open-source Web3 application platform, Germandrones, which provides high-performance drones for global surveillance and reconnaissance, Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie, the business, innovation, and technology promotion agency of Berlin, and Chirp, a global DePIN offering seamless connectivity solutions. This alliance will enable blockchain-based payments, shared assets and data, and co-managed permits and contracts, fostering machine-based innovation throughout Germany’s economy.

Chirp Network for the Future of Web3 Applications

As a primary connectivity partner, Chirp will supply vital connectivity solutions for the NEXA consortium projects. Utilizing Chirp’s extensive network capabilities, the partnership aims to ensure secure and reliable data transmission, setting a new benchmark for IoT connectivity.

Chirp Wireless is dedicated to driving German industry towards an automated future. As a global leader in wireless network solutions, Chirp provides comprehensive connectivity solutions for both indoor and outdoor environments. This partnership not only bolsters Chirp’s role in advancing automated industry solutions but also highlights the significant impact of Web3 technologies.

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