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DePIN: A Modular Infrastructure Thesis.

DePIN: A Modular Infrastructure Thesis.
DePIN: A Modular Infrastructure Thesis.

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks has emerged as the killer use-case of crypto.

It enables communities to own and operate everyday infrastructure like energy grids or internet, rivaling centralized companies.

However, DePIN is still early. Startups in this space often lack resources and technical expertise, hindering their ability to bring ideas to life. Many existing projects aren't truly decentralized.

By breaking down the DePIN tech stack into smaller, manageable modules, this model can help startups launch faster and collaborate more effectively.

Ultimately, this approach aims to achieve the original DePIN vision: infrastructure owned and operated by the communities it serves.

Read the full report by IoTeX Research below. ↓

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Pierre Leloup
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