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Exploring Tokenomics Models and Developments

Exploring Tokenomics Models and Developments
Exploring Tokenomics Models and Developments

In this report, we will discuss several key challenges faced by many crypto projects, and analyze how a sustainable tokenomics design may be helpful in tackling these challenges.

Many crypto projects experience numerous pain points such as high inflation rate of native tokens, low capital efficiency, centralized governance, conflicts of interest, misuse of treasury funds, limited liquidity, and a lack of value accrual to the token. An effective tokenomics design may be helpful to mitigate most of these issues and risks.

In light of this, we've gleaned some of the industry's practices and have summarized them into distinct areas of tokenomics design. These include Token Allocation, Token Vesting Schedule, Maximum Inflation, and Value Accrual.

An observation is that of dividing the treasury into two distinct funds: the Long-Term Treasury Fund (“LTF”) for long-term, strategic uses, and the Short-Term Growth Fund (“SGF”) which is earmarked for immediate, operational purposes.

“Maximum inflation” is a key metric to monitor that considers a token’s initial circulating supply and its vesting schedule.


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