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Launch of The Who’s Who Guide to Asset Tokenization

The Tokenizer proudly presents the first comprehensive overview of the security token industry - The Who’s Who Guide 2023.

Launch of The Who’s Who Guide to Asset Tokenization
Launch of The Who’s Who Guide to Asset Tokenization

Copenhagen, Denmark (PRUnderground) May 23rd, 2023

During the past five years, the industry of asset tokenization has grown from nothing to a size that now calls for a global overview. And this overview is what The Tokenizer intends to provide with the industry’s first-ever who’s who guide.

The guide encompasses all key types of players in the industry, such as exchanges, issuance platforms, custodians, law firms, and different service providers. This first edition of the global guide lists more than 50 exchanges, 40 custodians, 45 law firms and almost 200 token issuance platforms.

During the recent year, many of the biggest consulting firms and financial institutions in the world, like BCG, McKinsey, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, and Blackrock, have published reports about the massive trillion-dollar potential of asset tokenization and for this potential to be realised a significant influx of new players in the industry is expected in the coming years.

“For The Tokenizer as a leading data, information and news platform of asset tokenization, it’s only natural to provide this overview of our new industry and to help keep all the professional industry players as well as all the investors and stakeholders of the industry updated with the latest developments and the newcomers,” says CEO and Co-founder of The Tokenizer, Michael Juul Rugaard.

The 2023 edition of The Who’s Who Guide of Asset Tokenization will be followed by a new and updated version each year.

Download The Who’s Who Guide of Asset Tokenization

To learn more about The Who’s Who Guide of Asset Tokenization and to download the guide, click

About The Tokenizer A/S

The Tokenizer is the leading tokenization platform offering data-backed tokenization services in combination with media coverage of asset tokenization, security tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFT). The Tokenizer consists of two interconnected components:

– A line of data-backed software tools and services, of which the first two are The Token RegRadar and The RegCheck Service Suite.

– A global media platform currently with 6,000 unique visitors daily on the main site and ever-growing traffic on The Tokenizer’s SoMe channels. Furthermore, The Tokenizer runs a subsite solely dedicated to NFTs.

Visit The Tokenizer –

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