Point de Vue

Orbiting the Cosmos Ecosystem

Binance Research (Brian Chen)

Orbiting the Cosmos Ecosystem
Orbiting the Cosmos Ecosystem

Cosmos is a network of sovereign blockchains, each powered by Cosmos’s technological stack, known as the Interchain Stack. This framework offers a parallel scaling solution for projects requiring high levels of customization while aiming to be part of an interoperable ecosystem.

The Interchain Stack consists of CometBFT, Cosmos SDK, and Inter-Blockchain Communication (“IBC”) Protocol, with each component addressing different layers of a blockchain, including consensus, networking, and application.

In the Cosmos ecosystem, a blockchain enabling the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol, a messaging protocol for blockchain interaction, is identified as a “Zone.” Prominent Zones with many IBC connections become known as "Hubs," such as the Cosmos Hub and Osmosis.

In this report, we cover several key projects within the Cosmos ecosystem, including the Cosmos Hub, Osmosis, Injective, Sei Network, Stride, Axelar, Celestia, and Dymension.

Cosmos' growth speaks to its vision of an internet of blockchains. Its success derives from versatile technology and the dedicated team behind it, resulting in a thriving ecosystem. Its steady advancements over the years underline Cosmos' status as a fundamental industry player.


Source - Binance Research

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Binance Research
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