
Quantstamp x Hypernative Partner to Enhance Web3 Security

Quantstamp x Hypernative Partner to Enhance Web3 Security
Quantstamp x Hypernative Partner to Enhance Web3 Security

Quantstamp and Hypernative are excited to announce a partnership that marks a major milestone in bolstering security within the fast-moving web3 ecosystem.

Hypernative is a leading real-time security and risk prevention company for blockchain-based businesses. They offer a range of services, including always-on monitoring of on-chain activity, vulnerabilities detection, and incident response to help projects manage potential threats. Quantstamp has conducted hundreds of audits, protected over $200B in digital asset risk from hackers, and secured some of the top projects in the web3 space. Along with very complementary strengths, both teams understand the critical importance of robust security measures and share a common goal to improve web3 security.

As part of this partnership, Quantstamp has made a strategic investment in Hypernative, a testament to our belief in the pivotal role they will play in advancing web3 security and our confidence in their team’s ability to deliver tangible and impactful results.

One of the immediate outcomes of this agreement is its potential for Chainproof, the world’s first regulated insurance provider. Incubated by Quantstamp, Chainproof lets institutional investors safely deploy their capital into web3 while securing professional validators against slashing risk. This partnership will allow Chainproof access to Hypernative's services, ultimately giving projects insured by Chainproof even better protection against potential threats.

Teaming up will also involve establishing a mutually beneficial referral program between Quantstamp and Hypernative. This will create a collaborative ecosystem that gives both company’s clients access to more comprehensive security solutions that address the complex web3 landscape.

"The crypto industry needs more tools to help prevent hacks before they happen, so there’s a huge opportunity to do better in this area,” says Gal Sagie, CEO of Hypernative. “By partnering with Quantstamp, there is now a more complete end-to-end solution available to projects and chains with everything they need to bolster security before and after deployment.”

“Hypernative's ability to detect hacks before they happen, along with the quality of their team really impressed us,” says Richard Ma, CEO of Quantstamp. “Proactive security measures are a crucial component in achieving adoption and really align with our vision to secure the future of web3.”

Together, Quantstamp and Hypernative are taking concrete steps to drive innovation and enhance web3 security. This partnership will not only strengthen each team’s capabilities, but help fuel the growth and long-term success of the entire web3 ecosystem. Quantstamp and Hypernative will kick off this partnership by hosting a launch party during EthCC in July—more details to come.

About Hypernative

Hypernative stops zero-day cyber-attacks, economic risks, detects on-chain anomalies, and protects digital assets, protocols, and web3 applications from significant losses or threats.

Hypernative monitors on and off-chain data sources using proprietary machine learning models to accurately predict cyber, economic, and governance threats before they happen and connect these to automated playbooks in order to prevent and mitigate risks in real-time.

About Quantstamp

Quantstamp is a global leader in blockchain security, on a mission to secure the future of web3. Founded in 2017, the team has honed its expertise through hundreds of audits and worked with some of the top projects in the industry including Maker, Compound, Polygon, Arbitrum, Sandbox, and many more.

In addition to providing an array of security services, Quantstamp facilitates the growth and longevity of the web3 space through strategic investments and acting as a trusted advisor to help projects scale.

To date, Quantstamp has performed 600+ audits and secured over $200 billion in digital asset risk from hackers.

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