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RWA Report: The Deep Dive into 2023 Market

RWA Report: The Deep Dive into 2023 Market
RWA Report: The Deep Dive into 2023 Market


Key Takeaways

  • Real World Assets (RWA) protocols bridge traditional financial markets with DeFi, creating new use cases and opportunities. Asset tokenization enhances efficiency, transparency, and accessibility in the financial sector.
  • Institutions such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Hamilton Lane are exploring real-world asset tokenization. MakerDAO incorporates RWA in DAI collateral, Centrifuge leads in RWA lending, while Ondo Finance and Matrixdock play the first fiddle in tokenizing exposure to the short-term U.S. Treasuries.
  • Gold is the second most tokenized asset regarding market capitalization in crypto, following USD, which is the leader. The debt market takes third place.
  • Tokenization technology has the capability to transfer tangible and intangible assets on-chain. Apart from established classes such as real estate, precious metals, and financial products, RWA tokenization extends to intangible assets like intellectual property, expanding the possibilities for creators and innovators.
  • Oracles are important cogs in the RWA tokenization mechanism. They provide data feeds, which are utilized to price RWA-backed tokens on various platforms and dApps. Secondly, they ensure accurate collateral valuation for CDPs and internal redemption mechanisms of RWA protocols, which ensures fair trading.
  • Collaboration between traditional finance and decentralized projects is at levels never seen before. Further adoption faces challenges, including regulatory uncertainty, however, their cooperation can address emerging issues.

Featured RWA Projects


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RedStone is revolutionizing the Oracles industry by implementing novel modular design and 3 tailor-made data consumption models. You can build the new generation of DeFi & Web3 protocols based on RedStone’s versatile data offering of long-tail, LP, LST, and Ecosystem-native tokens, as well as Real World Data and custom feeds.

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