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Secured DeFi Space With Athena Ins: Axel Moulin

Secured DeFi Space With Athena Ins: Axel Moulin
Secured DeFi Space With Athena Ins: Axel Moulin
Axel Moulin, Co-founder of Athena Ins

Axel Moulin, Co-founder of Athena Ins, a prominent name in the DeFi space. Axel is quite passionate about the insurance industry, majorly the DeFi space. He has been exploring a wide range of DeFi protocols and developed his company after learning about all the possible risks. He aims to offer security to his clients’ assets against all kinds of vulnerabilities. To beginners starting in this industry, Axel suggests they expand their knowledge of the blockchain industry and its processes. Let’s learn more about Axel and his journey through this interview below.

Inspiration Behind This Company

Every business owner might encounter situations that inspire them to build a successful business. We asked, “What inspired you to enter the insurance industry, particularly in decentralized finance (DeFi)?”

Axel Moulin shared, “Insurance is an indispensable aspect of economic activity, providing vital protection against risks and unforeseen events, allowing individuals and businesses to pursue their goals confidently.

Two key factors motivated my entry into the insurance industry, specifically within the decentralized finance space. Firstly, I have consistently recognized the fundamental importance of Insurance and its ability to mitigate risks in various domains. Secondly, a few years ago, I became captivated by the rapid growth of decentralized finance and its potential to revolutionize the traditional financial landscape.

As I delved deeper into this burgeoning sector, I realized that Insurance was an important yet underserved area within DeFi. By combining my knowledge of Insurance and my belief in the transformative power of DeFi, I embraced the opportunity to contribute to developing and expanding decentralized insurance solutions within the industry.”


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The Emirates Times
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