
The Republic of Palau Partners with Ripple to Pilot a US Dollar-Backed Stablecoin on the XRP Ledger

The Republic of Palau Partners with Ripple to Pilot a US Dollar-Backed Stablecoin on the XRP Ledger
The Republic of Palau Partners with Ripple to Pilot a US Dollar-Backed Stablecoin on the XRP Ledger

In an exciting development, Ripple’s stablecoin project with the Republic of Palau has entered a Phase One pilot. The partnership between the Republic of Palau and Ripple marks a significant milestone in the realm of stablecoins. The collaboration has resulted in the launch of the Palau Stablecoin (PSC), backed by the U.S. Dollar, issued on the secure and environmentally friendly XRP Ledger (XRPL).

The Palau Stablecoin pilot program involves government employees who have volunteered to use PSC with select local merchants in Palau. Local merchants Surrangel and Sons, The Penthouse Hotel and King’s Minute Mart are accepting the Palau Stablecoin for payments during the pilot.

The Palau Money Bird is the digital image on the Palau Stablecoin.  
This is a prototype digital currency going through pilot testing that has the potential to revolutionize the way goods and services are paid for in Palau” says Jay Hunter Anson, FinTech  Project Manager for the Palau Ministry of Finance. ”The Palau Stablecoin offers a “fee-free” secure, transparent, and convenient option for payments that is more efficient than other online payment services.”


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