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Tokenization Playbook by Rohas Nagpal

Your guide to tokenizing real world assets on the blockchain.

Tokenization Playbook by Rohas Nagpal
Tokenization Playbook by Rohas Nagpal

It’s 2025 and you are relaxing on your favorite beach. You whip out your smartphone and within minutes you’ve...

...bought shares in an innovative startup halfway across the world

...traded a fraction of a Picasso painting for a fantastic pair of collectible sneakers

...invested in the copyright license of your favorite movie

...swapped your gold & platinum holdings for fractional ownership of a private plane and a cruise liner...

...invested in fractional ownership of an office building in an upcoming high-rent location...

That’s the power of tokenization, and it starts with this book.

Download your free copy now!

Source Tokenisation Playbook

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