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What The Blockchain Industry Can Learn From the Popularity of Artificial Intelligence

The A.I. industry’s approach to user adoption could prove instructive in the area of user friendliness

What The Blockchain Industry Can Learn From the Popularity of Artificial Intelligence
What The Blockchain Industry Can Learn From the Popularity of Artificial Intelligence

In my third Fortune Crypto column, What Blockchain Can Learn from A.I., I contrast and compare how artificial intelligence burst onto the scene and is being adopted by end-users a lot faster than blockchain products have.

A primary reason is that A.I. has nailed the user experience, especially on a relative basis while blockchain products continue to miss their appeal to mainstream users.

A.I. refrained from overhyping itself prematurely, allowing ample time for development and refinement over the past decade, before it was ready for prime time. During that gestation period, developers dedicated themselves to fine-tuning the technology, tackling intricate challenges, and only now are we witnessing the true impact of A.I. on the average consumer.

In contrast, the blockchain industry continues to expose its tinkering to the public, resulting in a large gap between hype and reality. Several participants in that industry persist in promoting unproven products or exaggerated business models, exposing their experimental ventures to public scrutiny and inviting criticism or skepticism.

As a long-time blockchain enthusiast, this makes me incredibly jealous. I think A.I. can teach the blockchain a few lessons.

Here’s the link to the article (no paywall), A.I. exploded in popularity because it’s so easy to use. Here’s what blockchain developers can learn from that.

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